Thursday, July 15, 2010

Huffing and Puffing All 13.1 Miles

I’m not a runner. I can’t even run two blocks without profusely coughing and wheezing. I would like to blame this on smoking in a past life, however I’m pretty sure the only thing to blame is laziness. I’m the worse kind of lazy; a kind of laziness that encompasses reality television, eating all things processed, and of course devouring gossip magazines like a hungry wolf.

This is why I have decided to enter a half marathon. Makes perfect sense for a girl who about 2 years ago struggled through a 5k right? I may be lazy but there is nothing better than what seems like an impossible challenge. Particularly a challenge to which I have already paid in full for. Did I mention I am also really cheap?

With all that said I am announcing to the world and all two of my followers that I am running the 2010 Atlanta Half Marathon on November 25th. There is NO backing out now and I have even taken the initiative between gossip magazine consumption and inhaling frozen pizzas to print and start a training schedule. Of course Day 1 consisted of running 2 blocks and Day 2-4 consisted of me cringing at the training schedule posted on my fridge.

It’s going to be a long 19 weeks!

1 comment:

  1. It is about time you got a Blog- about Damn time!!! Now rant
